Kara Pasley had made a mobile like this and I loved it! The template for the little birds is on www.Spool.com. super fun little project and a great gift idea for a baby shower.
One day while visiting the local junk heap, I found 40 of these stool bases. They had a metal top with holes in them so they were easy to just sand up and cut a new round top. Although not sure when I'll get to the other 39 that are sitting in my garage!
This lamp base was painted black and gold and it was broken when i got it. I got it for $20, not worth that except the wiring worked. You can kinda see where I PL'd it, a tube of liquid nails can work miracles. just painted it and left some of the black showing. It was hard to find a white lamp base.
This is the inspiration from Anthropologie. I had this pic hanging on my "idea cork board" in the garage for months.. When I came across this cart that I got for free.. I thought that wood might look cool.
I love this piece. :)